Part 2

Table of Contents

Structure of the Library
The Standard Library
1.1 Obligatory Modules
1.1.1 Storage
1.1.2 LowReal
1.1.3 LowLong
1.1.4 CharClass
1.2 The Mathematical Libraries
1.2.1 RealMath
1.2.2 LongMath
1.2.3 ComplexMath
1.2.4 LongComplexMath
1.3 The Input / Output Library
1.3.1 ChanConsts
1.3.2 IOChan
1.3.3 IOConsts
1.3.4 IOLink
1.3.5 IOResult
1.3.6 LongIO
1.3.7 ProgramArgs
1.3.8 RawIO
1.3.9 RealIO
1.3.10 RndFile
1.3.11 SeqFile
1.3.12 SIOResult
1.3.13 SLongIO
1.3.14 SRawIO
1.3.15 SRealIO
1.3.16 StdChans
1.3.17 STextIO
1.3.18 StreamFile
1.3.19 SWholeIO
1.3.20 TermFile
1.3.21 TextIO
1.3.22 WholeIO
1.4 Other Modules
1.4.1 Strings
1.4.2 ConvTypes
1.4.3 WholeConv
1.4.4 RealConv
1.4.5 LongConv
1.4.6 WholeStr
1.4.7 RealStr
1.4.8 LongStr
1.4.9 Processes
1.4.10 Semaphores
1.4.11 SysClock
Additional Library Modules
2.1 Extensions to the Standard Library
2.1.1 BcdConv
2.1.2 BcdIO
2.1.3 BcdStr
2.1.4 ByteArrayFile
2.1.5 FNames
2.1.6 LineFile
2.1.7 LogStd
2.1.10 NetFile
2.1.11 SBcdIO
2.2 Basic Modules of the Library
2.2.1 BasicRealConv
2.2.2 ChanDefs
2.2.3 StdDevices
2.3 Miscellaneous
2.3.1 MacMisc
2.3.2 MacString
2.3.3 QuickCopy
2.3.4 SysExceptions
2.3.5 StackDump
The Macintosh Operating System Interface
3.1 The Core Interface
3.1.1 The Core Foundation Files
3.1.2 The Core Graphics Files
3.1.3 The Core Text Files
3.2 The Cocoa Interface
3.3 The Unix Interface
3.3.1 Unix
3.3.2 BasicMemory
3.3.3 BasicNet
3.3.4 BasicThread
3.3.5 BasicTime
3.3.6 FpInt
3.3.7 HFSAttributes
3.3.8 ThreadStateInfo
3.3.9 Signal

0 Structure of the Library

The library coming with p1 Modula-2 has three logical parts: The standard library contains the modules defined in the standard, especially heap management, input / output and mathematical functions.

The p1 specific extensions support the additional data structures of p1 Modula-2 (e.g. "BCD" numbers) and allow access to the run time environment of p1 Modula-2.

The Macintosh interface contains the complete access to the Macintosh GUI libraries.

The definition module (part of the distribution kit) is listed for all modules. In chapters 1 (standard library) and 2 (additional library modules) a detailed description of the functionality of the modules is given. Implementation details may be found in the implementation modules supplied as part of the distribution kit. In chapter 3 (the Macintosh interface) a list of all definition modules is given and the Modula-2 specific specialities are explained. Please refer the appropriate manuals (e.g. the documentation supplied with Xcode, or the BSD manual pages) for detailed descriptions of these modules.

appendix (compiler) start page chapter 1 (library)