p1 Modula-2

Object Oriented Modula-2 compiler
for Apple Macintosh supporting Mach-O as command line tool or from Xcode .
Implementing ISO standards IS 10514-1,2,3
Last update: February, 7th 2025

Product Description:

p1 Modula-2 is the programming tool for the professional Macintosh developer.
p1 Modula-2 has a powerful and easy to use high level debugger.
p1 Modula-2 supports both Cocoa applications and command line tools.
p1 Modula-2 is compatible with all languages using the Mach-O conventions.
p1 Modula-2 can easily be used from within Xcode.

The Classic version is still available with the following features:

p1 Modula-2 is fully integrated in MPW and compatible with all other MPW languages.
p1 Modula-2 supports both 68K and PowerPC Macs.
p1 Modula-2 is also very well adapted for writing desk accessories, init resources and external routines for e.g. Hypercard or 4th Dimension.

The most recent 32-bit version is still available too with the following features:

p1 Modula-2 supports Carbon applications and command line tools.
p1 Modula-2 supports PowerPC, Intel-32-bit, abd Intel-64-bit Macs.
p1 Modula-2 can easily be used from within Xcode.

  • Detailed description of p1 Modula-2

  • Version 10.0 is available

    V10.0 is 64-bit-only and supports both Intel x86_64 and ARM arm_64.

    V10.0 supports macOS as well as iOS.

    Current Version and Updates:

    The current version of p1 Modula-2 is version 10.0.
    The most recent version supporting 32-bit and Carbon is version 9.4.
    The "Classic" version of p1 Modula-2 is version 7.3.

    New features in version 10.0 (for details please look at the compiler manual):

    Known problems:

    Module WholeConv actually supports only 32-Bit CARDINAL and INTEGER values. This may also affect WholeStr and WholeIO.
    An update of the library files may be downloaded here: m2lib.zip.
    They replace the current versions.

    Demo Version:

    A free demo version of p1 Modula-2 10.0 may be downloaded from this site. It implements p1 Modula-2 with the following restrictions:

    1. Only Intel 64 bit code generation is available
    2. C back end is not available
    3. Sources of the Universal Interfaces are not included
    4. Library sources are not included
    5. Examples are not included
    6. Updates are not available

    The package is a stuffit archive. Download demo version V10.0 (size: 1.0MB).

    A free demo version of the 32-bit version is also available. Download demo version V9.2 (size: 1.7MB).

    A free demo version of the old MPW compiler (V7) is also available. Download demo version V7.0 (size: 1.9MB).

    Updates V10.x:

    There are actually no updates available.

    Updates V7.3.x:

    Updates are available as self extracting archives in MacBinary format.
    To save time for updates newer than 7.3.1, the update is split in two parts

    Download update V7.3 to V7.3.10 (excluded library and example sources) (268k)

    Download update V7.3 to V7.3.1 (library and example sources only) (576k)


    Here is a selection of commercial programs written in p1 Modula-2 to show the wide range of possibilities a high level language like Modula-2 offers to the programmer.

    Product: Discus CD labeling software
    Program size: 100,000 lines
    Sales: new product
    US Publisher: Magic Mouse (www.magicmouse.com)

    Product: Flying Colors 2 Deluxe
    Program size: 100,000 lines
    Sales: approx. 100,000 copies
    US Publisher: Magic Mouse (www.magicmouse.com)
    UK Publisher: Logotron (www.logo.com)
    Nederlands Publisher: AW Bruna Informatica (www.awbruna.nl)

    Product: Curious George Paint & Print Studio
    Program size: 100,000 lines
    US Publisher : HMI Interactive (www.hminet.com) Edward de Jong

    Product: Anime Designer DragonBall Z
    Program size: 100,000 lines
    Japanese Publisher: Bandai Co., Ltd.

    Product : Pythagoras
    Description: Pythagoras is a CAD-program for surveyors and civil engineers integrating the specialised drawing and calculation functions. This includes :
    - import of data from data collector
    - ground modelling (contour lines, cross sections, volume calculations)
    - road design (profile, cross sections, cut & fill)
    - integration of raster & vector data.
    web-site : www.pythagoras.net

    Products by Andrew Trevorrow
    OzTeXan implementation of the TeX typesetting system
    Odd Jobsa collection of powerful file-processing tasks
    Googolatoran arbitrary-precision calculator
    Anagramsa fast and friendly anagram generator
    LifeLaba software laboratory for 2D cellular automata
    X-Words Deluxea meta-Scrabble-like word game
    CrossCardsa combination of Scrabble and poker

    web-site : http://www.trevorrow.com

    Contact Addresses:

    Send us a letter, an email message or call us. We are pleased to send you further information on our software products.

    p1 Gesellschaft für Informatik mbH
    Schwanthalerstraße 14
    D-80336 Munich

    phone: +49 (89) 54 61 31 - 0 | FAX: +49 (89) 580 25 97 | email: m2@p1-gmbh.de